Beyond Comms: Technology Trends
How will technology disrupt your business?
What opportunities will 5G bring? How far away are Smart Cities? What role does LMR play in the future? This new guide from Tait explores the technology innovations that are likely to bring disruption to your business sooner than later. Read some examples of what world leading organizations are doing to embrace the future.
The current explosion of emerging digital technologies is changing our lives every day, putting access to more information than we’ve ever had at our fingertips. This wave of disruption is forcing industries the world over to rethink the basic infrastructures they rely on.
“If you think that the internet has changed your life, think again. The Internet of Things is about to change it all over again!”
Brendan O’Brien, CIO, Aria Systems
We see new technology standards emerging at a rapid pace. While exciting, that’s a risky prospect for any organization that wants to take advantage of the latest technology, while ensuring their systems remain secure and reliable.
New technologies come with new possibilities, along with new security and safety risks. So what technological disruption does the future hold, what trends are emerging, and what do you need to know to be prepared?
Discussed in this guide:
- Five Predictions for Disruption
- The Cost of Stagnation
- Cyber Security
- Outgrowing Network Capacity
- Unified Critical Communications
Read examples from industry leaders in:
- Ambulance
- Public Transport
- Mining
- Utilities
- Application Integrators